Food For Thought Comfort For The Soul

Live Life Beautiful: Affirmations for Girls of Color

Living Life Fabulous at Fifty: Affirmations for Women of Color

"Our Voices Our Stories" is filled with thought-provoking poems, essays, short stories and other writings advancing, celebrating, embracing and empowering girls, teens and women of color worldwide.  

The diverse national and international voices represented in this anthology focus on the psychological, emotional, physical and social issues, traumas and challenges experienced by girls, teens and women of color. 

The writings will encourage society to understand what it means to be a girl, teen and woman of color living in a society that does not always listen to hear their voices or their stories. 

The power to live life fabulous is within every woman of color transitioning into and living life in their fabulous fifties. If they think it and believe it, they will achieve it!

Living Life Fabulous at Fifty: Affirmations for Women of Color, contains 140 positive affirmations and explanations written specifically for women of color as a self-help/motivational guide to live life fabulous as they transition into and experience life in their fifties. 

Affirmation topics include the fabulously fifty bucket list, being a trailblazer and torchbearer, colorism, hair, standards of beauty, resiliency, refusing to settle, destination success, personal space and time, change, intimacy, physical changes, menopause, and the Principles for Living Life Fabulous among other topics. 

​By thinking, believing and applying positive thought processes, women of color in their fifties will begin to live life fabulous.

The most important focus for girls of color is to believe, with every fiber of their being, that the color of their skin is not a determining factor of what they can or will achieve in life. The power to live life beautiful is within all girls of color. If they think it and believe it, they will achieve it!

Live Life Beautiful: Affirmations for Girls of Color contains 250 positive affirmations and explanations written specifically for girls of color as a self-help/motivational guide to live life beautiful. 

Affirmation topics include colorism, hair, standards of beauty, cultural identity, cultural pride, diversity, ethnicity, education, friendship, family, making good choices, self-esteem, self-respect, self-pride, self-identity, and STEM among other topics.

By thinking, believing, and applying positive thought processes, the lives of girls of color will be transformed and as their inner beauty begins to radiate on the outside, they will live life beautiful


"Food For Thought Comfort For The Soul" is a collection of intriguing and thought-provoking writings focusing on the psychological, emotional, physical and social well-being and growth of girls and women of color, social issues and living your best life as you define yourself for yourself in the pursuit of happiness.

Topics include mentoring girls of color, hair, the role of the village, advancing and empowering women of color, on being your sister's keeper, personal enrichment, dealing with death, moving forward and inner peace. Other topics focus on complex issues in society including colorism, racism and racial unity among other social issues. 

Prepare to pause and be inspired as you begin a reflective journey that will motivate you to be a part of the change needed to leave this world better than you found it.   

​​Donnamaria Culbreth, Ph.D.

Our Voices Our Stories: An Anthology of  Writings Advancing, Celebrating, Embracing and Empowering Girls and Women of Color